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Re: Hava Nagilah author sought

Could you explain what Chassidic motifs to which you are referring?  My 
understanding is that the Havah Nagilah motifs are straight "Ahavah 
Rabbah" mode.  These are prayer modes used on Shabbat morning and other 
times in all Ashkenazic traditions and not one "Chassidic" tradition that 
you mention.

Cantor Sheldon M. Levin
slevin (at) mciunix(dot)mciu(dot)k12(dot)pa(dot)us

On 15 May 1995, NSoltz wrote:

> Also note that Hava Nagilah is based upon Hassidic musical motifs!
> Rabbi Ned Soltz
> nsoltz (at) aol(dot)com

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