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meet women of the former USSR through romance ads (pre-faq)

cancelmoose and flamers please see polite note at bottom

##    meet women of the former USSR through romance ads (how-to)    ##

     Months ago, Olga Kosmina placed my personal ad in several papers
of the former Soviet Union.  Since that time I have received over 70
responses for the $50 I sent her.  My ad was specific (seeking
attractive women taller than 5 ft 8 in) Had I not been that specific,
perhaps the response double I have found far greater success placing my
own personal advertisement than purchasing addresses through the
several Russian "bride" catalog companies.
     If you are interested in placing a personal romance ad as I did,
contact Olga.  She has built up a list of most every newspaper and
magazine in the former Soviet Union and could help direct your ad to
certain areas if you wished.  She writes: "please say that I place all
ad _throughout_ Russia and other countries of former Soviet Union, not
only Western Russia."  Olga asks for $50 because this amount provides a
fairly wide exposure.  I think that of the $50 I sent, she paid
newspapers around $35 and kept the remainder.  Olga is 23 years old,
has a bachelors in biology and works full-time as a florist in Kiev. 
She speaks, reads and writes English as well as her native languages of
Russian and Ukrainian.
     I realize that it is a very trusting person who would place $ into
an envelope and mail to a foreign country.  And so, feel free to send a
letter of inquiry.  The time for a letter to reach Kiev averages 15
days and response 8 to 10.

Olga Kozmina
Dekabristov Street 5 - 178
Kiev 253121

     A month ago, I posted similarly on Olga's behalf.  She wrote
back: "I have already received 4 bank cheques on $50 (from two
Americans, from a Speniard and a Australian).  Thank you very much for
your help!  I will be able to receive this money in two months only." 
Apparently it takes several months for personal checks to clear.  I
have found that when I place a single bill between two pieces of
newsprint inside of a white envelope, the Ukrainian post does not
bother to tamper with it.  I have yet to lose a letter sent to Kiev. 
Olga does not have e-mail.
     I am posting anonymously because of the inordinate amount of 
e-mail which I would receive -- inquiries as well as flames.

Best Wishes,

Brett and Olga

To: CancelMoose and probable flamer
Subject: polite note
From: Brett

     Although Olga has never seen a newsgroup nor heard of "net-
etiquette," she believes that providing lonely singles with opportunity
of romance exceeds the cost of angering those who feel the net should
not be used in this fashion.
     IHA (I humbly ask) that you allow this post.

peace. . .

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