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Multi-Cultural Survey

Survey: Multi-Cultural Music Survey
For Multi-Curltural Organization Behavior Course at Cal Poly Pomona

Your time spent on this survey is greatly appreciated by our research group.
Comments are encourage.  This survey only applied to people that are currently
employed.  Please reply this survey by E-Mail to account:
       FKUO (at) Bronco(dot)IS(dot)CSUPomona(dot)EDU
You may answer any way you like as long as it can be understood.

p.s. My appology to those of you who are reading this the second time.

============================== Begin Survey ================================

Age? _______          Gender? M  F   Ethnic background?____________________

Company you work for? ________________________
What is your job title? ________________________

What type of music is allowed on the job?
a) Soft Rock                   e) R & B/ Soul
b) Country                     f) Classical
c) Alternative / Rock          g) other ________________________________
d) Top 40 / Pop

Who chooses the type of music that is allowed on the job?
a) Corporate Policy
b) Supervisor
c) Co-workers
d) Others ____________________________________

What influenced the choice of music?
a) Personal Preference
b) Job Requirements
c) Curltural influence

Does the choice of music at work have any affect on your performance? Y/N

Do you believe that music in the workplace affects productivity?  Y/N

Does the type of music in the work environment
a) increase moral
b) decrease moral
c) have no effect
d) other ____________________________________

If it was up to you, which of the following would you prefer to listen to when
you are working:
a) Soft Rock                 e) R&B / Soul
b) Country                   f) Classical
c) Alternative / Rock        g) other ______________________________________
d) Top 40 / Pop

================= End of Survey.......Thank you ===========================

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