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new release!(by a jewish musician)


        My name is Craig Lurey, and I am an engineering major
at ISU.  I just realeased a "New Age/contemporary" music CD
which consists of styles similar to enya, yanni, and Vangelis.
I am Jewish, and I thought that you might be interested in
my music.  If you are interested, or you have any other questions
 please email me at clurey (at) iastate(dot)edu, and I'll be glad to answer
any of them.


                                                                      \ /
-    Craig B. Lurey                          Iowa State University    /-\
-    245 N. Hyland #105                                              / -
-    Ames, Ia  50014         ___________                               -
-    (515) 296-1014 home     |"''"|''''|   email: clurey (at) iastate(dot)edu   
| [[[ [[ [[[ [[ [[[ [[ [[[ [[ ||| || ||| || ]]] ]] ]]] ]] ]]] ]] ]]] ]]|
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