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Unusual Pesach Customs / "Echad Mi Yodeah" in Aramaic

I know that I have asked this before, but 'tis the season :-)

My family has a minhag (custom) of singing Echad Mi Yodeah in ARAMAIC
(the language of the Talmud) at the end of the seder.  I have heard of
others with a similar custom in other languages (Ladino, Yiddish), but
never in Aramaic.

Anyone ever heard of anyone who sings this song in Aramaic?

The minhag came with my family from Europe to American nearly 100
years ago.  Our family is from the shtetls of Mlawa and Przasnysz,
both 120km North of Warsaw.

Gedaliah Friedenberg
gedaliah (at) panix(dot)com

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