Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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ANNOUNCE: new jerusalem1 address

Jerusalem1 has served as a source for information serving the entire jewish
community.  It has an extensive ftp archive of jewish related software and
hebrew fonts, a large number of mailing lists with information on 
jewish news, israel and other jewish interest topics, and an extensive amount
of information on it's gopher.

Jerusalem One has upgraded its servers and moved to a new address!  In a 
few days our gopher will be available at and our FTP site at  And by May 1, our World Wide Web server will be fully 
operational at!  Check out our web site starting April 9 for 
previews of what's to come.   

Looking forward to meeting you at our new location.

David Rosenstark
davidr (at) jer1(dot)co(dot)il

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