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Yiddish song book

Reprinted from MENDELE:  Can someone help him?
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 1995 15:13:58 -0500
From: rlantz (at) globalcom(dot)net
Subject: Yiddish song book

Can anyone recommend a good Yiddish song book?  I have a pretty good
collection of klezmer and other Yiddish music, but I have a real problem
with the lyrics.

To be sure, I have the same problem in all languages.  Years ago, for
example, my wife of the time and I were watching a Finnish group singing
their entry on the EuroVision Grand Prix whatever songfest.  "Wow," I
remarked, "Finnish sure is a weird language."

"Fool," she cogently observed, "they're singing in English."

Yankel Lantz

Philip J. Leonard
mike (at) order(dot)ph(dot)utexas(dot)edu

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