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Krakow/Gebirtig CD

There's a new CD in the stores on Koch, with the Holocaust Museum logo on the
back, called "Krakow Ghetto Notebook" (or something very similar).  The
contents are all by Mordecai Gebirtig.  The list of titles is all in English,
and there are credits to others next to most songs.  None of the stores in
which I've seen it have open copies.  If anyone has this CD, or knows more
about it, I'd appreciate answers to some questions:

1.  Are the additional credits for music or translation?  Is the material in
    Yiddish or English? Hebrew?

2.  Are the recordings/performances any good?  What style are they in?

Essentially, I'd like to know whether this is a worthwhile enterprise before
plunking down my $$.  I've bought a few CDs of Yiddish or Holocaust-related
material that have been extreme disappointments, so I'm trying to do some
homework first this time.


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