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(New York Area)Jewish Womens Music (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 1995 08:37:54 -0800 
From:raphael (at) hp800(dot)lasalle(dot)edu
To: "BRIDGES: the Jewish Feminist journal" <bridges (at) 
Subject: Jewish Womens Music 

EEKS, I have just heard that my workshop may be canceled Monday night 
MArch 13( under the auspices of Ma'ayan, the Jewish womens' Center of the 
upper west sidee.Manhattan)..for lack of registration...and I am frustrated 
I have all this great music to share to enrich seders and other Jewish 
womens rituals.  So spread the word
All they need is three more people, so if you or your friends are inthe 
mood to sing and you are inthe New York area next week, please call and 
Geela Rayzel
PS.I know this is self-promotion, but I really believe in the power of 
music to transform, and this music is part of the process of transforming 
Judaism to being feminist friendly, so I'm taking the liberty.

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Henrique Ozur Bass                      Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Cantorial Student                       21 Pilgrim Lane
hebass (at) JTSA(dot)EDU                        Westbury, NY 11

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