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Harmonia Mundi USA's list

To the Jewish Music list:

  Greetings!  I am brand new to this list, but I believe that the attached
list of available CDs is interesting enough to you to merit posting it
without lurking silently for a week or two.  Folks on the list
soc.culture.jewish were pretty supportive of my offer to put this
together, so I will risk it here.  Anyway, please forgive me if this is
contrary to the spirit of this list. 

  My company is Harmonia Mundi USA, and we are the US distributor for
Harmonia Mundi France and a bunch of other European labels as well.  We
originally made our name as an early music company, but now have a wide
spectrum of classical music from all periods and international/ethnic
music.  Here is an informal listing of the recordings we distribute which
may be of interest to those who collect Jewish music.  The titles are
grouped by label. 

    Le Chant du Monde:

"Papirossn: Talila sings Yiddish" (LDX 274956)

"Musique Liturgique Juive" (CMT 274993)

   L'Empreinte Digitale:

"Romances Judeo-Espagnoles" (ED 13017)  With the Ensemble Lyrique 
Iberique; D. Thibaudat, voice; N. Khalidi, oud.


"Hazanut: Jewish Religious Vocal Music"  (W 260005)

"Jewish Ethiopian Liturgy" (W 260013)

"Judeo-Spanish Chants of the Eastern Mediterranean" (W 260054)

   Musique d'abord:

"Musique Judeo-Baroque" (HMA 1901021)  Music of Rossi, Saladin, and 
Grossi performed by the Boston Camerata under Joel Cohen.

"Folklore Yiddish: d'Europe centrale" (HMA 1903070) With the Budapest 
Klezmer Band.


"Yiddish Songs: Tenderness and Rage" (C 558652)  The first release by 
Leiser, Flammer, & Bareaux (see "Yankele" below)

"Jacinta: Other Yiddish Songs" (C 560033)

   Opus 111:

"Yankele"  (OPS 30-107)  A collection of Yiddish songs performed by Moshe 
Leiser, Ami Flammer, and Gerard Bareaux on guitar, violin, accordion, and 


"Klezmer Music from Tel Aviv" (SM 1506-2)

"Patterns of Jewish Life" (SM 1604-2)  A 2 CD set featuring highlights 
from the concert series "Traditional and Popular Jewish Music" held in 
Berlin in 1992.

"Bessarabian Symphony"  (SM 1606-2)  The debut recording of the American 
klezmer duo of Joel Rubin on clarinet and Joshua Horowitz on button 
accordion and tsimbl.  With congenial virtuosity, they create a 
kaleidoscope of sounds, recreating the original richness and beauty of 
the instrumental wedding and celebratory music of the eastern European 
Jewish shetl.


  All of the above recordings are distributed in the US by Harmonia Mundi 
USA.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about 
them, or if you have dificulty finding any of them in your local store.  
If you are not in the US, I can usually figure out who the distributor 
for your country would be.

Clarke Weigle
Private Customer Dept
Harmonia Mundi USA
hmusa (at) netcom(dot)com
310-478-1311, ext 119
Fax: 310-996-1389

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