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WANTED:Mickey Katz Recordings

In article <3blq3f$ims (at) kelly(dot)teleport(dot)com>, gorilla (at) 
teleport(dot)com (Jim
Warshauer) writes: > I have Don Byron  tribute recording, an instrumental
version of Fiddler
> on the Roof and an album called the Most Misshuge.  Are there any others
> available.  Does any one have any recordings they would be willing to
> offer a tape of?

Hi!  I just read this (relatively old) message, but if you're still looking
for Mickey Katz music, there is a bookstore in Boston called Kolbo that
carries them.  The number is (800) 238-8743 and they will ship items to you.
They also have a large raange of Jewish music, from Klezmer to Israeli pop to
modern American Jewish folk.

Hope this helps,
Larry (LMS1450 (at) delphi(dot)com)

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