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Klezmer Music (influences chart)

Having made this chart at the request of a fellow musicologist, I decided
to post it on the list for the perusal of anyone else who would find it

(c) 1984, 1994 by Hope Ehn

Synagogue     Folk
  Modes       Music
  |   \       /   |
  |    \     /    |
  |     \   /     |
  |      \ /      |
  |   Chassidic   |
  |  Compositions |
  |       |       |
  |       |       }
 Traditional Eastern
   European Yiddish
   |  Folk Music
   |       \
   |        \
   |         \
   |  Early Yiddish                      Other Popular
   |  Music Theatre                      Music of the
   | (19th c. Europe)   Ragtime  Jazz  1920s & 1930s
   |           |     \      \     |     /
   |           |      \      \    |    /
   |           |       \      \   |   /
   |           |        \      \  |  /
Traditional   Early      U.S. Yiddish
  Yiddish    Yiddish      Theatre and
   Folk      Theatre       Recording
   Music      Music          Music

This is an ASCII version of the chart printed in "The Klezmer Recorder
Band," a collection of (untexted) arrangements of Klezmer music for four
recorders that I published in 1984. There is also a second (untexted) book
of similar arrangements, "The Lower East Side Recorder Band,"  published
in 1988. Both collections are still in print. For purchasing information,
send inquiries to Von Huene Workshop, <vonhuene (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>. 
(Do *not*
send credit-card numbers by E-mail;  messages pass unencrypted through
many computers.)

I am presently working on two more collections of Jewish music arranged
for recorders, with alternate parts for string quartet. "Yom Tov: The
Jewish Holiday Songbook" will contain songs with Hebrew and/or Yiddish
text for the Sabbath, the Festivals, and patriotic holidays. "Sefarad:
The Ladino Song Book" will contain songs from the Ladino repertory, with
Ladino texts. I hope to finish these books before Passover. When they are
ready, I will announce them on this list.

Hope Ehn                      <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

Dennis and Hope Ehn are 2 different people sharing one account.
Hope is the author of "On-Line Resources for Classical & Academic Musicians."
Dennis does programming (mostly C++).
PLEASE don't get us confused!                                 :-)
<ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

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