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Re: Hatikva sample reggae single

Here are some altogether different, but equally odd, intrusions of
Jewish music into unexpected settings:

*  Last week, we rented the film "Taras Bulba" on video.  Never mind
   the curious casting of Tony Curtis as Yul Brynner's son, with thick
   Jewish accent no less.  What grabbed my attention was the Cossack-
   revelry-in-a-tavern scene.  As the Cossacks dropped to their
   haunches to start the kozatske, the soundtrack shifted to an
   uptempo version of "Hop Mayne Homentashn", with nonsensical
   English lyrics.  Talk about a Purim-shpil!

*  About five years, I went to Mexico with my family.  On our way
   back, we stopped in the border town of Sonoyta, Sonora, and
   decided to wait out a rainstorm in the nearest cafe.  Spotting
   the jukebox, I fished in my pocket for some 500-peso coins, walked
   over to look at the selections, and saw this:  "Shalom Yisrael"!
   I tossed the money in, went back to the table, sat down, and heard
   the most bizarre rendition of "Shalom Chaverim" (yes, the summer
   camp farewell tune).  Thanks to the wretched speakers, I'm still
   not sure whether it was in Hebrew or Spanish, but what a way to
   spend the waning hours of the 8th day of Chanukah.

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