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Remember and let it never happen again.  Well called for moment of silence.

Tonight, in my synagogue, we will have a program on the Kristalnacht.
Besides moment of silence and speaches and candles we are singing some
Gebirtig songs and songs from Tereszin.

Gebirtig was very prolific in writing for the Yiddish theater, and he
died in the Holocaust.  Some of his songs were written as a cry against
the holocaust.

There is a lot of material on songs which are an outcry over the Shoah.
One good book that I have found is in Hebrew, published and edited by
Sergiu Natra.  It is still available in Israel.  This is an occasion for
silence, no question about it.  But we can enrich the silence using
Jewish music, and be glad that we are still able to sing.  And be sad,
because we mourn for those who cannot sing anymore.

Henrique Ozur Bass                      Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Cantorial Student                       21 Pilgrim Lane
hebass (at) JTSA(dot)EDU                        Westbury, NY 11


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