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Re: Looking for Web pages on Jewish topics/authors

At 11:54 AM 10/11/94 -0400, kmc (at) specialform(dot)com wrote:
>November is Jewish Book Month!
>I'm looking for online info pertaining to Jewish authors and/or topics. Ideal
>sources would be in HTML format (World Wide Web pages). This is for a book
>on 11/6 at the JCC of the North Shore, where I will be demoing Mosaic.

>I'm also willing to host home pages for writers who would like to show their
>work on the Web.

You're probably already aware of Seth Ness'  tanach home page, but just
in case:
>the URL is

Chabad-Lubovitch also maintains  a home-page:
>The URL is:

The Jewish Student Union at NY Polytech:
>We invite all of you to visit us in cyberspace. Our URL is:

I haven't chased-down much Yiddishkeit on the WWW because I'm limited by
a SLIP link over a 14.4k modem (SLOW). I'm sure there's more out there
to choose from. Could you please summarize and post the replies you get
back on this list for the rest of us?

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Doesn't _THAT_ sound wholesome and effective!
Daniel Walker -- walker (at) usit(dot)net     <Actual line from a TV commercial>

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