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Choral auditions in Southern California

This note may be of interest to Southern California readers who are
interested in participating in Jewish choral music.

The Kol Echad Chorale of Southern California is recruiting for its
1994-95 season.  We have openings in all sections for talented and
enthusiastic men and women.  Kol Echad is Southern California's
premier Jewish ensemble.  We perform several times a year, including
some concerts with orchestra.

Auditions are by appointment; call one of the following:

        Katie Rudner    (310) 677-3110
        Bobbi Jacobsen  (818) 892-7151
        Max Stern       (818) 501-3470

For more information, please contact me by email; I am not currently
reading this list.

 |\/|  /_\  \/                      Moshe ben Avraham
 |  | /   \ /\                      Max(dot)Stern (at) 

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