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Re: what do I need a password for

From: Jonathan McCallum <jmccallu (at) paul(dot)spu(dot)edu>
>   I have just subscribed to this list three days ago.  In the file on
>where ot write things there is a line with a password.  Since I have
>already recieved mail and have (now) sent it I'm not sure what I need a
>password for.  Can anyone help me here.

The password is for interactive connection to the listserver. This is
essential to the list moderators, but not quite so necessary for you
and me. Interactive connection to the listserver allows us to query
the archive of old messages and files. I don't know if this list has
such, though. I guess I'll have to re-read the message the listserver
sent me to confirm my subscription to understand more fully.
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Daniel Walker -- walker (at) usit(dot)net

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