Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Karl Haas's Adventures in Good Music, which is offered at 11 a.m. and
rebroadcast at 9 p.m. on WUOL-FM (90.5) in Louisville, KY, will
feature "Music for Yom Kippur Eve" on Wednesday, 9/14, and "Music for
the Jewish High Holy Days" on Thursday, 9/15.  Since the show is
almost an hour long and you may not be present to flip the tape due to
work or services, I suggest you set your timers with a 110- or 120-
minute cassette.  (This is assuming you're only using the tape for
personal listening; anything else would be illegal, of course.)
.. 1st 1.11 #4599 . "Don't Make Promises You Can't Keep" - Tim Hardin (& Mahzor)

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