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(Tech, not music this time) listserv or usenet newsgroup?

I'm kinda' confused. I just started subscribed to jewish-music (at) 
and many of the messages seem to be the same as the ones in the usenet

Is this a coincidence, or are the two gateway-ed to each other? Is the
gateway bidirectional, or does one of the two get more messages?
Daniel Walker -- walker (at) usit(dot)net
    <click> daniel tired. please professor: want no more internet today. want
play with favorite red, white and gold Kimball's Cream o'Rhinoceros soup can!

    No, Daniel, not yet. You still need to read and reply to three more EMail
messages and browse that new www home-page, THEN you may play with your soup
can until sleep time. Now put your brain-probe back in.

    play until sleep time? oh goody, goody! <click>


Topic No. 10

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