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Re: Klezmer in DC

From: MROSENBE (at) HR(dot)HOUSE(dot)GOV
>Aren't the Fabrengen Fiddlers still around? We had them at our son's bar
>mitzvah in 1988 and they were great. Both the teens and the adults loved
>them. David Schneyer was with the group then and he was terriffic.

I don't remember who was in the group, but I remember a Chanukkah latke
party in 1993 at the Conservative schul in Knoxville, TN with these folks.
I guess they were on tour.

A good show; very entertaining, but mostly for the kids. The occasion
didn't really call for serious music, so I don't know if they still do it.
The "up" tunes were well done, though.

Daniel Walker -- walker (at) usit(dot)net
    <click> daniel tired. please professor: want no more internet today. want
play with favorite red, white and gold Kimball's Cream o'Rhinoceros soup can!

    No, Daniel, not yet. You still need to read and reply to three more EMail
messages and browse that new www home-page, THEN you may play with your soup
can until sleep time. Now put your brain-probe back in.

    play until sleep time? oh goody, goody! <click>


Topic No. 8

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