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Re: Church of England - THE END!!!

In article <2pmqd3$6rn (at) walton(dot)maths(dot)tcd(dot)ie>,
Mike Rogers <mike (at) maths(dot)tcd(dot)ie> wrote:

My what a list of news groups!

Your article's newsgroups:        ?
alt.flame               Alternative, literate, pithy, succinct screaming.
misc.test               For testing of network software.  Very boring.
soc.culture.celtic      Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
alt.eunuchs.questions   [no description available]
alt.housing.nontrad     ** invalid news group -- check spelling **        ** invalid news group -- check spelling **
alt.sports.darts        ** invalid news group -- check spelling **
alt.znet.aeo            ** invalid news group -- check spelling **
alt.chinese.computing   ** invalid news group -- check spelling **                ** invalid news group -- check spelling **

>Noone's ever called me vitriolic before. Is this, like, something bad to do 
>one's gall bladder, or what? Cool! Am I gonna, like, retch green vomit or piss
>a disgusting unfashionable purple?

Oil of vitriol is an old alchemists name for sulphuric (or is it sulfuric -
IUPAC decided to have an f in sulphuric and ph's in fosforic) acid.  Presumably
vitriolic means corrosive.

>Seriously though, I think that you should be more careful about calling a
>professional journalist's competence & motives into question. Emily O'Reilly
>is one of Ireland's most respected and efficient journalists. I'd be glad to
>hear why *you* consider Masterminds of the Right to have been grossly
>inaccurate whereas the people she names as instigators of the religious
>backlash in Ireland never saw fit to challenge her, either in court or through
>the NUJ.

It often happens that challenging a story makes it bigger news, and also that
a case may have revealed more than they would have liked.  So better a
far-fetched tale going unchallenged than being challenged airing whatever
dirty washing there is.  But I haven't a clue about this case.

>Mike Rogers,#3,44Westland##EveryoneHasTheRightToFreedomOfOpinionAndExpressionT
>Row,Dublin2,Ireland Perl ##hisRightIncludesFreedomToHoldOpinionsWithoutInterfe
>sThroughAnyMediaAndRegardlessOfFrontiers#10 UN Declaration Of HumanRights Kibo

Is the bad grammar in your sig yours or the UN's?  The singular of media is
medium, as in a medium at a seance.  Did you never do Latin in secondary?
Geesh, what is Irish education coming to!
  'There was a  master come unto the earth, | Ulick Stafford,
     born in the holy land of Indiana,      | Dept of Chemical Engineering,
  in the mystical hills east of Fort Wayne'.| Notre Dame, IN 46556
                                            |    ulick (at) 


Topic No. 80

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