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Sephardic Music

Sephardi(c) music covers a wide range of items from very different
traditions, but here are a few items on my own shelves that may interest the

The Voice of the Turtle is a Boston group which specializes in Sephardi
music. Address is 236 Huntington Av, #405 Boston MA 02115. A sample of
their music is Bridges of Song on the Titanic label, Ti-189. This is a CD,
they put out cassettes too.

Voices of Sepharad is a Minnesota group, address 255 E. Kellogg Blvd,
St. Paul MN 55101. David Harris is the producer. They recently published
Viva Sepharad on CD.

Esther Lamadier has an enchanting disk on Alienor AL 1012 (French company).
The chants arameens which form part of this disk belong to the Christian
tradition of Iraq whose liturgical language is Syriac/Aramaic. The rest of
the disk is Judeo Spanish songs. She has a beautiful voice.

Yitshak Attias (Hashofar 4, Old City, Jerusalem, Israel) publishes
cassettes. I have his Gather the Sparks.

The American Sephardi Federation in New York City can send you literature
that lists further materials. Dont have the address handy, it's in the
Manhattan phone book.

Happy listening.

                Alan D. Corre, Emeritus Professor
                  Department of Hebrew Studies
                University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Topic No. 40

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