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Categorizing Jewish Recordings for Radio Stations

Looking for advice on classifying recordings (records, cds, tapes,
too) for a college radio station.  I'm not happy with the scheme that
I found there:

Some klezmer music was filed under "Eastern European"; then, all other
Klezmer music, and all Israeli/Jewish recordings, were filed under
"Israeli".  Israeli was subdivided by "religious"/"modern".  All of
the Israeli "pop" recordings were "modern", and all other Jewish music
or voice recordings were under "Israeli Religious".

So, for example, we find Cantorials, 2nd Avenue Yiddish Theather,
Holocaust/Ghetto, Ladino recordings all under "Israeli Religious".

(This reminds me of the video store in my area, where 1930's Yiddish
Films made in America are in the foreign section under "Israeli".
Nu?....Not happy with that either.)

Any advice?




Topic No. 6

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