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Re: Two Queries from Ireland

The term is "Minyan", not "Minyam" as you no doubt already know
from a million helpful replies (sly grin).  What you may or may not
know is that the previous President of Israel, Chaim Herzog was born
in Ireland, thus there were TWO Irish presidents in the world when
he was in office (sly grin II).  Also, so my father informs me, the
Lord Mayor of Dublin was for many years a post held by a Jewish fellow
(cant recall the name though) who was quite popular.

Best of luck in your song search.

mgoller (at) uceng(dot)uc(dot)edu
>From the frigid recesses of Ohio (-23 w/o wind chill)
"Any man who does not believe in miracles is not a pragmatist"
---David Ben Gurion, first P.M. of Israel


Topic No. 2

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