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[no subject]

        I purchased Debbie Friedman's new tape "The World of Your Dreams"
last month.  For you Debbie Friedman fans, there are some really good
songs on it.  I was lucky enought to attend a Melton retreat with Debbie
two years ago and one of the songs on the tape was written that weekend.
We were all hiking in the rain when it started to hail.  We gathered under
a large tree and recited the blessing over hail.  Immediately, the hail
stopped.  It was really freaky.  This remarkable occurance inspired the
third song on the tape, "The Hail Blessing."
        On the subject of Israeli music, when I was in Israel last year,
one of most popular artists was Meir Banai.  His latest release
"U'veneihem...In Between" has a number of popular hits on it.
        If anyone would like the addresses of the publishers, please
contact me over private e-mail.

Dan Jurkowitz


Topic No. 14

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