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Quality frum music??

I've been listening to a number of 'frum' tapes recently, largely frailachs
music and haven't been terribly impressed by the creativity or originality of
what I'm hearing. Some of the tapes I have heard have been by Gershon Veroba,
Werdyger, Regesh (forget which one), Ira Heller, Deveykus and Mordechai Ben
David. The pickins seem pretty slim to me. I hate to sound like I'm speaking
loshon hora on these people. I don't mean it in a personal way. I just find  the
music ordinary, not too inspired or inspiring. Any thoughts or recommendations?

Forgive me if I seem harsh. But, I've just put a ;lot of money into buying
tapes and it's really frustrating when they are pretty dull to listen to!

Thanks and Chanukah Sameach, Scott


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