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Re: Jewish Music in the synagogue-hazzanim

In article <2de8ji$1de (at) panix(dot)com>, bri (at) panix(dot)com (Brian 
Shanblatt) writes:

> Lyle Lexier writes:

> Singing of "songs" is a problem across the board, but in my experience,
> orthodox shuls have songs and ditties for almost everything. This is
> generally inappropriate for the texts.  What an ortho shul might ditty
> away (Uni-taneh tokef, for instance), one may hear a reform cantor sing
> beautiful nusah and chant.

just passing thru - and saw this note.
you might be interested in reading an 'ortho' article on this subject, called
(if i'm not mistaken) 'Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die, Tra-la-la-la la-la'.
it appeared in 'The Jewish Observer', several years ago, (sorry - don't have
more info), by Rabbi Yehuda Henkin.
he discussed several halachic and other points concerning 'correct' hazzanut.

shimon lebowitz


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