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Survey For A Friend!

Hello Peoples:
I am posting this survey out to the Internet for a friend of mine who needs
at least 100 netters to respond to the survey for a class project! You can
mail the reply (including the entire survey if possible) to me or to
        ned1273 (at) acfcluster(dot)nyu(dot)edu
So I hope there are lots of you friendly people out there who would take
some time to respond! Thanks all!

                        [Music Questionaire]

[1] GENDER:     Male___     Female___

[2] Please Select You Age Group
___Under 16             ___46-55
___16-25                ___56-65
___26-35                ___Over 65

[3] Household Income:
___Under $10,000
___$10,001 - $20,000
___$20,001 - $30,000
___$30,001 - $40,000
___$40,001 - $50,000
___$50,001 - $60,000
___Over $60,000

[4] What Comes to your mind when you think about a dog?
                ***Please Select One***
___Loyal        ___Vicious      ___Lovable      ___Noisy
___Friendly     ___Other

[5] What is a word/name that reminds you of your college days?____________

[6] Types of music most frequently listened to:
___Classical            ___Soft Rock
___Jazz                 ___heavy Metal
___Rap/Hip Hop          ___Classic Rock
___Popular              ___Ethnic Music

[7] How Many CDs/Cassettes Do You Purchase Every Month?
___3 or less            ___7 - 9                ___13 - 15
___4 - 6                ___10 - 12              ___16 or more

[8] Where do you purchase your CDs/Cassettes?
___Receive as gifts     ___Used CD stores
___Record store         ___Music Clubs
___Electronic Stores    ___Other(please specify)_____________
___Discount Store

[9] What qualities matter to you most when you're considering
    buying CDs/Cassettes? Rank the following in order of importance:

                   Extremely  Very    Somewhat  Not Very  Not at all
*Convenience          ___      ___       ___       ___        ___
*Speed                ___      ___       ___       ___        ___
*Low Prices           ___      ___       ___       ___        ___
*Large Selection      ___      ___       ___       ___        ___
*New Releases         ___      ___       ___       ___        ___
*Special Offers
(ex:buy 1 get 1 free) ___      ___       ___       ___        ___
*Customer Service     ___      ___       ___       ___        ___
*Store Atmosphere     ___      ___       ___       ___        ___

[10] Do You belong to a music club?
If ___YES please continue;  If ___NO then thank you for taking this survey

[11] Which Music Club do you belong to?
___Columbia House
___BMG Direct
___Bose Express
___Other (please specify) ________________

[12] Why did you join initially? (Please give a few sentences)

[13] What services are most important to you?
___Spped of Delivery
___Recent Releases
___Great Deals on Music
___Other (please specify)__________________

[14] Are you satisfied with your music club?
If ___YES, then STOP here and thank you for taking the survey.
if ___NO, then please continue taking the survey.

[15] What do you find most disagreeable about your music club?
        ***Please Select One***
___Prices offered by the club
___Delay Time in placing order
___Delay time in receiving order
___Selections offered
___Reply/Notification Card
___Other (please specify)__________________

[16] What one thing would you like most improved...
___Prices offered by club         ___Delay time in receiving order
___Delay time in placing order    ___Selections offered
___Mail back cards                ___Other (please specify)__________

[17] What incentives would have motivated you to stay in your
     music club?
     (Please give a few sentences)


Thank you for your time in participating in this survey.
Mail responses to either the following:
        ned1273 (at) acfcluster(dot)nyu(dot)edu
        kaom (at) acf2(dot)nyu(dot)edu
        mkao (at) sales(dot)stern(dot)nyu(dot)edu
Again, thanks.

**  Michael T. Kao      New York University  - The Great $$$ Rip Off        **
**  kaom (at) acf2(dot)nyu(dot)edu          * <- Mail here! Best chance!        
**  kaom (at) acfcluster(dot)nyu(dot)edu    * <- Second best chance.            
**  mtk6621 (at) acfcluster(dot)nyu(dot)edu * <- Third best chance.             
**  mkao (at) sales(dot)stern(dot)nyu(dot)edu   * <- Last resort. Crappy 
Account!            **


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