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Jewish Music Festival in Minneapolis

If anyone is planning to be in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul October
14-17, you may be interested in Jubilee '93! A Multicultural Festival of
Secular Jewish Music and Dance. Supported by grants from the NEA and Minnesota
State Arts Board, the festival features concerts by Montreal's Moroccan-
Ladino song quartet Gerineldo, New York-based klezmer supergroup Brave Old
World, and the Bukharan ensemble Shashmaqam. There will be a day of workshops
and lecture demontrations as well. If you would like more information, send me
a message and I'll send you a brochure via snail mail.


Laura Weber, senior editor____________Phone: 625-0552
Student Affairs Communications & Publications
Internet: l-webe (at) vm1(dot)spcs(dot)umn(dot)edu_____Fax: 626-1754


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