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Lest history repeat itself....(looping messages)

I'm not the listserv manager, but I think I helped to stem the flow of
repeated messages.  They were caused because the addresse had failed
to sign themselves off - and their account had been deleted (a message
of good-bye was posted to this list, I believe).

If anyone has ever "fingered" nysernet, they'll soon realize who the
main communications honcho is - a note to him quickly stopped the
flow of messages.

To send a request asking for help in fixing the problem to this list is,
obviously, perfectly useless.

Bob Kosovsky
Graduate Center -- Ph.D. Program in Music(student)/ City University of New York
Internet: kos (at) cunyvms1(dot)gc(dot)cuny(dot)edu     Bitnet:  kos (at) 
Music Division -- New York Public Library
Internet:  kosovsky (at) nyplgate(dot)nypl(dot)edu
Disclaimer:  My opinions do not necessarily represent those of my institutions.


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