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Re: Music for a bride walking down the aisle

In article <9306251244(dot)AA00363 (at) hq(dot)LCS(dot)MIT(dot)EDU> you write:
>Hello.  I will get married in early September, and I'm looking for
>music for walking down the aisle.  The band said the most commonly
>chosen song is Erev Shel Shoshanim, and some brides pick Dodi Li.  I'd
>like some other suggestions, preferably a pretty, soft tune with a
>love or chatan/kallah theme.


>Leora Wenger
>(leora (at) lcs(dot)mit(dot)edu)

I'm sorry I don't remember the name, but there is a 'standard' song used
at a Lubavitch wedding that is quite beautiful (niggunim are unbelievable
at helping one to become attached to HaShem, even if one doesn't know
the origin, the reason, etc).

I'd suggest calling local Chabad house.  Also, If you're at MIT, you might
call the Bostoner Rebbe (or his children) for advice.  Both of these sources
would probably be glad to help (and give you very different resonses).



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