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Re: Music for a bride walking down the aisle

     There are tapes that are widely available from Jewish book stores
that double as ads for professional "Jewish wedding orchestras", which go
through all the songs normally chosen for various parts of the traditional
wedding. Allthough these tapes tend to be fairly slickly produced, they
tend to present music that works, and a little less stereotypically kitsch
than the usual "hava nagila" stuff most average "social orchestras" use.
     A curious anecdote: Out here in Seattle, I study jazz guitar with a
local old-timer (prebop!), who has played with everyone back in the good
old days. He told me once, when we were working on some minor-sounding
modes, that he has played alot of Jewish weddings, but once played an
Orthodox wedding, and was given one of those Negina wedding tapes. He told
me (and I don't know if he knows I'm Jewish) that he really took a liking
to the tune the bride walked down to, and wrote an arrangement for it- the
tune turned out to be "Kol Dodi" form the Dveykut II album!
    Mazal tov, and build a bayit neeman b'yisrael....

                                             Mark H Kirschbaum, md

Internet: mkirschb (at) fred(dot)fhcrc(dot)org


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