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Hypnotic Clambake CD

I just got a copy of the Hypnotic Clambake's new CD,

"Square Dance Messiah".

About half of it is material that was on their "Past Lives"
tape.  Contents is

1. Square Dance Messiah 3:16
2. Chef Mobie's Gumbo Gator 4:25
3. Fate 3:38
4. Ozone 4:33
5. Old Dan Tucker 1:38
6. Reverence 4:30
7. Russian Ballerina 4:33
8. Ant Man 3:24
9. Cut Out the Pain 3:16
10. Rasta Cyborg 4:24
11. In The Middle 3:18
12. Bulgarian Boogie 3:27
13. Past Lives 7:06
14. Old Joe Clark 3:49
15. A Message From Mother :26
16. The Feldmans 3:10

I haven't listened to it yet...

The CD is Blue Button Records BBR 222 - CD

For info contact Maury Rosenberg (617) 327-5927
                 Hypnotic Clambake
                 P. O. Box 121
                 Roslindale, MA 02131

Dean Bandes

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