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Cassette stuff

Having been told (in different words) "All right, you meshuguna
composer, tell us all about your tape" by one who I take to be the
moderator or organizer for this newsgroup, and having been implicitly
told, "hey, this is our newsgroup, we can make our own rules and tough
if they're not quite the compatible with those for the net as a whole"
(are we cousins, Ari? that would explain a lot) I'm now posting this
here information about my tape of Call of the Shofar which I'm


Call of the Shofar is a piece for 4 (or preferrably 8, 12, any whole
multiple of 4) trombones, which I wrote on commission for the Mesilla
Valley Trombone Choir of Las Cruces, New Mexico, U.S.A.  Per the
requirements of the commission, it is a classical-style piece.  Since
I had recently completed my doctorate when the commission was worked out
in e-mail, I was in a celebratory mood, so I wrote a happy piece comprising
a double fugue on a high holiday melody for Mi Khamokha and the tune
I grew up with for Khad Gadya (I like to have the whole calendar at once),
punctuated by immitations of shofar calls (as I have heard them, not as
they are described in the Mishna).  The piece is due to be premiered on
17 November 1992 in Las Cruces, NM, USA, and if I could afford it, I'd be
there for it.  Meanwhile, I have a tape made by dumping data from my
notation program through the trombone stop on my ex-student's synthesizer.

On the back of this tape, I'm presently offering Mount Washington Memories,
three movements from a seven-movement symphony for 65 winds, from its
premiere last February.

Tapes are high bias, and Dolby (r) B noise reduction is used.  I'm
creating these tapes and their labels using simple home stereo
equipment and my Macintosh, so I regret that they are not professional
quality-- although the quality is very good.  However, my overhead is
probably much higher per unit than a professional record company.  Which
brings us to:


$7 US per copy.  For Canada or Mexico, please add $0.25 US, and for other
foreign addresses, please add $2 US to cover postage.

Orders may be sent to me at

1310 Packard No. 2
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

or left on the answering machine at USA telephone (313)769-4836
(the voice on the machine may be mein shayna maidl's).

An easier way to order would be to send me your order, complete with
mailing address, at fields (at) eecs(dot)umich(dot)edu(dot)  As long as I don't 
bit by any schnorrers, I'll send tapes out as quickly as I can, so
you don't have to wait for your check to reach me.  Please, try to
find an alternative to sending cash through the U.S. mail.

I hope to have an exciting new tape of the premiere live performance
in about a month.

On request, I will include a brief segment of the sound of me
failing to get a proper tone out of shofar (I can do it, just not
for the microphones) at the beginning of your tape.  Since the shofar
annoys the cats and the neighbors, I can only record this at special
times of the day and week, so adding this might delay shipment.

And now, if I've broken the rules of the Internet, I hereby point my
finger at my probable-long-lost-cousin Ari and say, "he made me do it,
for goodness sake." :-)


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