Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: Fields' cassette

Ah, now I have it, Ari's return address is actually the posting place for
this newsgroup.  I'm not going to break netiquette and post my advert here.
And I'm still unclear on where to reply if Ari sends me e-mail.

Marlene, would you do the honors and post a description of what you
got and for how much and where?  Thanks.  For overseas, some amount of
postage should probably get added, since it DOES add up.

Anyhow, the update is that I'm looking into grant possibilities to get
to my premeire.  If somebody...a synagogue or university in the stretch
between El Paso, Texas and Las Cruces, New Mexico, were to adopt the project
of getting me down there to e.g. give a lecture-demonstration Monday 16 Nov.
and attend the premiere of Call of the Shofar on Tuesday 17 Nov., I could
probably rustle up lodgings at some net friends down there, and I would,
of course, bring my shofar with me (that's another interesting E-mail story).
With a name like Zvi, you can count on my boss to be flexible enough to
give me the time off.



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