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Re: "Classical" music with a Jewish theme

> Ari Davidow asked about "classical" Jewish music and asked for more
> information about Matt Fields' compositions.

> Although I believe Ari's question was focused on contemporary
> composers, I think it would be fun to develop a FAQ answer for the
> question "What 'classical' music has been written throughout the ages
> on Jewish themes?"  The list could be arranged chronologically by birth
> date of composer.  Maybe some kind of asterisking convention should be
> used for list entries which are controversial.

>[other examples omitted for brevity]

>   Verdi                 *Nabucco (opera)

In this case, let's add:

        Halevy          La Juive (opera)
        Saint-Saens     Samson and Delilah (opera)

And how could we not include:

        Schoenberg      Moses und Aron (opera, unfinished)
                        Kol Nidre (for narrator, mixed chorus and orch.)
        Schoenberg      A Survivor from Warsaw (for narrator, male
                                                        chorus and orch)
qualifies, I think.

> Anyone want to contribute to this list?

Sure.  There are more examples.

-Margaret Mikulska
mikulska (at) astro(dot)princeton(dot)edu


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