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Kol Echad preliminary concert schedule


Here is a preliminary schedule of Kol Echad concerts (a more complete
and more detailed schedule will be posted in a few weeks):

  8:00  Sun. 10/25  Valley Beth Shalom, Encino  Tribute to Ami Aloni
                                                (joint concert with
                                                other musical groups)

  eve.  Sat. 12/12  Newport Beach               Music of Jose Bowen
  eve.  Sun. 12/13  Temple Isaiah, L.A.         Music of Jose Bowen

  eve.  Sun. 1/31   Leisure World, Laguna Hills

  eve.  Sun. 3/21   West Valley JCC

The Jose Bowen concerts will include a Jazz Shabbat Service (!).

All concerts are in Southern California.

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 |  | /   \ /\                      Max(dot)Stern (at) 


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