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Re: Trope

>       From: Max Stern 310-524-6152 <lms (at) 
> sv043(dot)torreypinesca(dot)NCR(dot)COM>

>       On the other hand, if your interest is more scholarly, there are some
>       magnificent books about trop ...  Some of them ... go into great
>       detail about the history of and the subtle differences between
>       the various traditions.

Nu?  Are you going to tell us what those books are, or just let us know
that they exist?  I'd like to know!  Not to flame, but more info would
be more helpful, Max.

Now to me, trop is the REAL Jewish music.  You can hear haftorah motifs,
especially, in lots and lots of Jewish songs once you know what to
listen for.

And how many people agree with me that the best way to study a haftorah
is backwards -- that is, learn the last posuk first?  That way instead
of knowing the front down pat and breaking into a cold sweat when you
get 3/4 of the way through and realize you don't know the rest all that
well, you can be a little nervous at the start and get stronger and
stronger as you go on to parts you have studied more and more times?

Dean Bandes  deanb (at) ma(dot)credence(dot)com


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