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You should be able to buy or order tape/guidebook ("how to lain") sets
from a Jewish bookstore.

A good book for explaining the finer points of Torah reading is called
"Tiferet HaKria" (English:  "The Glory of Torah Reading").  I may have
mis-remembered the Hebrew title.  The book is in English.  It does
*not* teach you how to sing the notes, but gives good grammatical
explanations and examples.  For instance, suppose you want to lain in a
shul that uses Sefardic pronunciation (e.g., most Conservative shuls
I've been to).  The vowel kamatz is not always pronounced as "ah".
When it's a kamatz katan, it's pronounced as "aw".  This book
summarizes the grammatical rules for distinguishing.

Shabbat shalom (a little early, but why not?).

      Art Werschulz
      InterNet:  agw (at) cs(dot)columbia(dot)edu
      ATTnet:    Columbia University (212) 939-7061
                 Fordham University  (212) 636-6325


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