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"American" Jewish Music


I've listened lots lately to folks like Debbie Friedman, Kol B'seder,
Craig Taubman...

I haven't bought Debbie Friedman's new tape yet (Chanukah/Purim), but
was disappointed to see that it contained re-recordings of many of her
songs.  Does anyone know what else she's been up to lately?

I also recently purchased Doug Cotler's LISTEN! tape. The only way I
can categorize it is New-age Jewish music?  I liked it. His "It's so
amazing" is ok, and I haven't seen his third (Bluegrass) tape around the
Jewish bookshops in Boston yet.

If you know of other artists/tapes which are in this style, I'd like to
hear of them.

Now, a few other questions:
  Which is the latest NFTY album? Is there one after "50 Years in the Making?"
  Does anyone have words to Puff the Kosher Dragon?

L'shana Tovah, and an easy fast.

For now,
Mark Frydenberg


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