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Re: Opening and Closing Songs
- Subject: Re: Opening and Closing Songs
- Date: Mon 13 Jul 1998 03.31 (GMT)
Here's a few:
Opening - Ki Eshmera Hashabbat
Shalom Aleichem
Hiney Mah Tov (in any number of arrangements)
Bim Bam - Shabat Shalom
Closing - T'filat Haderech (Friedman)
Oseh Shalom - Any arrangement, but my personal preference is Klepper
Adon Olam (I prefer the more "traditional" - like the Sephardic with harmony
Anything timely for a particular season or holiday
Alternate versions (composers) of liturgy that is normally chanted or done in
a single way during the worship service every week
Something on the theme of the week's Torah portion and/or the rabbi's sermon
Hope this helps,