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More Purim: Purim QUIZ


1.  Who gave lavish parties which sometimes lasted for weeks?
     a) Achashverosh
     b) Elvis
2.  Who preferred women much younger than himself?
     a) Achashverosh
     b) Elvis
3.  Who was overly possessive when it came to his women?
     a) Achashverosh
     b) Elvis
4.  Who often couldn't sleep at night and roamed the grounds of the
    estate looking for someone to hang out with?
     a) Achashverosh
     b) Elvis
5.  Who allowed his manager to make decisions for him, often without
    full knowledge of the implications?
     a) Achashverosh
     b) Elvis
6.  Who was well known for his "substance abuse"?
     a) Achashverosh
     b) Elvis
7.  Who gave expensive gifts to his friends?
     a) Achashverosh
     b) Elvis
8.  Who was known as "The King" ?
     a) Achashverosh
     b) Elvis

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