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A Musical Moment for Shemot

At services, our student rabbi used an amusing comparison in explaining G-d's
words  "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh." Her homily used modern terminologies as she
reviewed the conversation between Moses and G-d. In explaining G-d's choice
of name, she used the words "Que Sera, Sera."

We (our substitute cantorial solist and I) simply couldn't resist the
challenge to find an appropriate closing song, and decided to abandon our
initial safe choice of a tried and true hymn for something original and
hastily cobbed up. She passed me a note "What about Adom Olan sung to Que
Sera, Sera ?" I quickly tried to fit the words, which worked - until I hit
the chorus when it became too tongue-tieing to sing. So I quickly cobbled
together some words to fit the chorus. So here's what we did (and what you
can do!):

Sing each stanza of Adon Olam to the verse music for "Que Sera, Sera" and
when you get to each chours, just sing:

"Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
I Will Be What I will Be
So Moses don't toy with me
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh"

It did somewhat break the so,emnity at the end of the service, but then, who
said Shabbat shouldn't be fun!

Shavua Tov,

Adrian A. Durlester durleste (at) plains(dot)nodak(dot)edu
Production Manager, Festival Concert Hall - North Dakota State University,
Director of Music & Religious Education, Temple Beth El (UAHC,) Fargo, ND
Work: (701) 231-9564  Cel-Phone: (701) 799-7870
Alternate E-mail:  72507(dot)471 (at) compuserve(dot)com   AdrianD (at) 

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