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Add info to the Jewish Songleaders page.

I'm forwarding this information to the list. Moshe's monograph is
recommended reading.

I would like to bring to your attention an online resource in Jewish Music

Please browse the following:

This website, in addition to being an online presence of my ensemble,
Tzimmes, includes a monograph on Jewish Music that I penned, which has been
lauded by musicians and educators alike. 

Of course, there is a workshop component to this material - for several
years I have been actively promoting Jewish Music education, within and
without the Jewish Community.

Moshe Denburg
Moshe Denburg
Band Leader/Manager
#12 - 719 East 31st Avenue,  Vancouver, B.C.,  Canada  V5V 2W9          
Tel. 604 - 879-8415--- Fax. 604 - 873-0501--- Email: denburg (at) direct(dot)ca 
Tzimmes Internet Address ----


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