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[HANASHIR:17224] Final Tikun Olam song list

Here's the updated Tikun Olam list I promised (and alphabetized this time).  
Each entry was recommended by someone from the hanashir community.
-- Carol Boyd Leon
   cbleon (at) hotmail(dot)com

Tikun Olam Songs
Compiled 3/2004

·       "A Whole New World" Disney parody from Aladdin, lyricist unknown 
Lisa Baydush)
·       "Be A Mensch!" by Wally Shachet-Briskin (My Jewish World songbook/CD)
·       "Building a Better World" by Peter & Ellen Allard (Sing it! it! Stamp 
Sway it! Vol III songbook/CD)
·       "Care for the World" by Fran Avni (Daisies and Ducklings cassette) 
version, too)
·       "Tuning Into Nature" CD/songbook with several environmental activity 
by Fran Avni
·       "Fixin' The World" by Wally Shachet-Briskin and Craig Rosen (sheet 
in Complete Shireinu and "The Cantor Wally Songbook," recorded on "Shir 
L'Yom Chadash" and "Fixin' The World")
·       "Giving" by Fran Avni (Manginot)
·       "Heal Our World" by Steve Dropkin (Inner Peace CD, Steve Dropkin 
Vol. II)
·       "Help Heal the World" by Fran Avni (Manginot II)
·       "One Mitzvah" by Susan Linder (Singin' Shabbat with Susan CD)
·       "Share, Share, Share" by Jon & Josh Nelson (My Jewish World songbook/CD)
·       "The World Yet To Come" by Steve Dropkin (Steve Dropkin  Songbook and 
Manginot II)
·       "Tikkun Olam" by Lisa Baydush
·       "Tikun Olam" by Carol Boyd Leon (Gan Shirim songbook/CD)  - mostly 
·       "Tikun Olam" by Jill Moskowitz (MIRACLES: Chanukah & Passover Songs For 
·       "What is a Mitzvah?" by Barbara Bar-Nissim (Manginot)
·       "You Can Change The World" by Jeff Klepper (Manginot)

·       Al Sh'losha D'varim by Steve Dropkin (Complete Shireinu)
·       Al Sh'losha D'varim (traditional) (Complete Shireinu and Manginot)
·       Ani V'atah by Gavrelov/Einstein (Complete Shireinu)
·       Dugit, lyrics by Yonatan (Complete Shireinu)
·       Lo Alecha by Jeff Klepper/Dan Freedlander (Complete Shireinu and 
·       Lo Yisa Goi (traditional) (Complete Shireinu and Manginot)
·       L'takein?The Na-Na song by Nichols/Klotz (Complete Shireinu)
·       Mitzvah Goreret Mitzvah by Larry Vogel (Complete Shireinu)
·       Or Zarua by Jeff Klepper (Complete Shireinu)
·       Yad B'yad  by Craig Taubman (Complete Shireinu and Manginot) includes 

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