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[HANASHIR:17218] RE: Songs

Here are the words and translation to L'Chol Ish Yesh Shem  - by Zelda

It can be translated as "Every man has a name - each of us has a name etc"
For those who wish to eliminate the masc , insert us/we etc

L'Chol Ish Yesh Shem -  Each (of us) has a name 
Sh'natan lo Elohim -      Given to him us by g-d
V'natan lo aviv v'imo-    And given by parents   (aviv - his father v imo - 
his mother)

L'chol ish yesh shem  -- 
Sh'natna lo komato -    given by his stature
V'ofen chiucho    -        and the way he smiles/(or his smile)

L'chol ish yesh shem  -
Sh'natnu lo heharim  -  given by the mountains
v'natnu lo k'talav  -   and given by his/our walls

L'chol ish yesh shem  -
sh'natnu lo ha-mazalot -    given by the stars
v'natnu lo shcheinav -      and given by (his) neighbours

L'chol ish yesh shem  -
sh'natnu lo chata'av -      given by his sins
v'natan lo k'mihato -       given by his longing

L'chol ish yesh shem  -
sh'natnu lo sonav -         given by his enemies
V'natan lo ahavato -        given by his love

L'chol ish yesh shem  
Sh'natnu lo chagav -        given by (his) celebrations
V'natan lo m'lachto -       given by (his) work

L'chol ish yesh shem 
Sh'natnu lo t'kufot hashanah -  given (him) by the seasons (of the year)
V'natan lo ivrono -                    given by his blindness

L'chol ish yesh shem  2x

L'chol Ish Yesh Shem - Each (of us) has a name 
Sh'natan lo Elohim -     Given to us by g-d
V'natan lo aviv v'imo-   And given by our parents

L'Chol Ish Yesh Shem 
Sh'natan lo hayam -     given by the sea
V'natan lo -                 and given by
moto -                          his death

Marcia Falk's translation uses Each of Us has A Name and she has altered the 
Hebrew to read L'khol B'riyah Yeysh Sheym in her Book of Blessings as part of 
the Kaddish - Mourners Prayer

This is really a gorgeous song - the poetry is beautiful - in its profound 
simplicity. In our reconstructionist synagogue I sing it a capella as part of 
the service and after 8 years of doing it - there is never a dry eye because 
when we really listen/or sing this piece  as part of yiskor or the mourners 
prayer- we bring to it all the joys and pain of love and loss as we pass 
the cycles of all of our lives.

Just wanted to get this done before I head back to Montreal next week for 
I hope Robin can post it more beautifully and gets a hold of a recording. 
Fran Avni

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