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[HANASHIR:17170] Re: [HANASHIR:17131] Computer music scanning/OCR

On 3/21/04, erik contzius <contzius (at) yahoo(dot)com> wrote: 

>One of the best programs and most accurate programs
>out there for music scanning is SmartScore 3 by
>Musitek. 99% accuracy and you don't need Finale or
>Sibelius if you buy it. Check it out at

I have Smartschore 2.03.  I have hardly used it since I got it a year ago, 
because I found that there were a lot of corrections and they were not all that 
easy to fix. If I didn't have the manual in front of me, I'd be lost compared 
to an older Mac program I have (doesn't scah) where I plug in the notes by hand 
or occasionally by keyboard. I have received notices to upgrade my smartscore 
version. Do you think it would be worth the upgrade? I would use it more if I 
though it was more accurate and easier to use.

Thanks, Ellen

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