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[HANASHIR:17149] Re: Tunes for Order of the Seder

My husband wrote a parody to the old song, "Gravy" that we sing at the end of 
pesach. I guess it shows our age:-0

Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Bagels Tonight 
 Sung to Gravy by Dee Dee Sharp, Kal Mann and Dave Appell
Come on baby, I need bagels, 
Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme bagels tonight
I know that Pesach will be ending soon
Been craving bagels and cream cheese since noon
The sun is setting
Appetite is whetting 
Gimme a bagel or I’ll this tune
Chorus:(gimme bagels) Gimme lox on my garlic bagel
(cream cheese bagel) Spread thickly too
(onion bagel) it’ll be the greatest
Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme bagels tonight
For eight days I’ve been bagel free
All that matza is getting to me
No bread or leaven
This sure ain’t heaven
A little bagel’s what I’m waiting for
When Pesach comes again next year
I’ll go bagel free again that’s clear
The Torah tells me
And it compels me
And I obey Hashem, in Him I fear

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