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[HANASHIR:17088] Looking for audio recording of Adon Olam with Sephardic melody.

I have sheet music to an Adom Olam that we learned at Hava Nashira 2000, 
  which says:  "Adapted from a Sephardic (?) melody for Yigdal; 
arrangement by Rabbi James Goodman;  slow and dreamlike, with improvised 
harmonies;  recorded by Jeff Klepper on "In This Place"."

The melody is:  A D D D / E F F F / G A A A BAGF / E E E

1.  Do you know the source of this sheet music???

2.  Do you know of a recording somewhere on the web, where I can listen 
to it?  (I can eventually get Jeff's "In This Place", but in the 
meantime a web-recording would answer some questions.)

Thanks very much,

- Ros Schwartz

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