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[HANASHIR:17077] RE: Building Song

I have 2 suggestions.  #1.  Debbie Friedman's "Build This World Together"    and     #2.  Peter & Ellen Allard's "Building A Better World".  I don't know where you can hear Debbie's song, but you can hear the Allard's song on their Sing It, Say It, Stamp It, Sway It III CD.  It's great and there is sign language that goes with it.  E-mail back if you need help!  Here is an example below, but there is more of both songs.


BUILD THIS WORLD TOGETHER              BY:  Debbie Friedman


We hear the sound of peace, but it?s different this time,

We?re gonna to build this world together.

It?s the eternal cry of humankind,

We?re gonna to build this world together.


CHORUS:    We hear the sound of hope, the sound of peace.

                     It?s a new day for a new generation.

                     A new time, no beginning no end??..

                     We?re gonna to build this world together.




BUILDING A BETTER WORLD              BY:  Peter & Ellen Allard


We?re building a better world,

We?re building a better world,

We?re building a better world,

One person at a time.


CHORUS:  And the world goes round and round,

                 The world goes round and round and round.

                 And the world goes round and round,

                 The world goes round and round and round.



Good luck!


Susan Shane-Linder

"Singin' With Susan"

2003 Children's Music Web Award Winner

Preschool & Religious School Music Director

Congregation B'nai Israel

Boca Raton, Florida

singinwithsusan (at) hotmail(dot)com



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